Saturday, January 29, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks FINAL BOSS BATTLE PART #2

Angene says from now on she can not help you, it is your job to defeat Malladus on your own. I bet your thinking that she never really did anything to help you. Bryne says he wants to help but his wounds are too much, but that would have been awsome to have a big buff guy with a metal arm fighting with you. So Angene gives you a phantom, heat proof phantom to be exact. Then Zelda says that when this is over, you resume your normal livesm, then she asks you what you want to do when this is over and you can say Train engineer or warrior.
When you climb on top of the demon train, Malladus's resurection is complete and just to get you P.O.ed, the train starts up again and you can't go back to the Spirit train so you have to fight maladus now, and the fight is on.
Make Zelda's track go over to Malludus, but you have to make sure the electric mice that cole summons don't touch Zelda because if they do, then Zelda is possed and you have to hit cole with the boomerang and you lose a lot of ground. Once you get to the half way point things change a bit, here's what happens:
1) Malladus shoots lazers at you so you have to hide behind Zelda
2) The floor moves to one side and after 30 seconds it switches, it keeps doing that until you win
3) Cole makes one mouce at a time, but they go straight for Zelda and they go faster

Avoid all these and when Zelda gets to Malladus they start flying around and you have to shoot Malladus with the bow of light. Awsome your half way through the Final boss.

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