Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks FINAL BOSS BATTLE #5

All right final part of the game.
After you play the song, and big pattern appears on Malladus's back. Zelda Says That she will use the bow of light to shoot him there but, you have to distract Malladus. So you have to hit him in the spot that would make him face the opposite way that Zelda is, then touch the icon on the bottom of the screen with the bow on it when Zelda is ready to shoot. You will know when she is ready because on the top screen is her vision, so when the little pink things aiming on Malladus's back turn yellow then you shoot. Do that once and then he falls on the ground and you have to hit his crystal on his forehead and after awhile and horn falls off. Then he lunges at you after you do all that twice and then it shows:
Link and Zelda Slay Malladus

Now you have to rub the screen and the crystal breaks and you win! 
Angene goes back to the Heavens with all the other Lokomos and Link and Zelda hold hands.

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