Sunday, January 30, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks FINAL BOSS BATTLE #3

After you have shot Malladus with the bow of light, the demon falls off the tracks and sinks into the darkness and blows up. You end up at either the place that took you to the dark world of the Tower of Spirits and pieces of either lace are all around. Malladus gets out of Zelda's body and tries to kill you, but Bryne comes around and tries to shield you from Malladus, and it works, so Zelda tries to get back into her own body but it doesn't work. Zelda then tries to use the power with in her to get back to her body. Now Malladus posses Cole now and he turns into this huge monstrosity that tries to kill you. Zelda is back in her body and you have to shield her from Malladus while she tries to summon the power with in her to reveal Malladus's weak point.
Basically what you have to do is hit the balls of fire and rocks that come towards Zelda and when there are 3 or more all around each other then you have to use the spin attack. The darker it gets, the closer you are to being done with this part.

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