Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #7

Go to Hyrule Castle town. Go to the house with the fat lady in it. Talk to her and she asks you if you have seen her husband, he likes to dress like a rabbit. GGGGGuuuuuueeeeeeessssss wwwwwwhhhhhhhoooooo iiiiiiiiittttttttt iiiiiiiiissssss! That's right, it's the rabbit guy! Say yes and she will ask you if you can take her to him. So she get's in the car and then you have to take her to the place where you take the rabbits. When you get there she walks over to the rabbit guy, they get in an arguement and she says that she is leaving. Go back to the train, but you see her standing there. Talk to her and she says that she will stay and help her husband, to thank you she gives you a force gem. What's that, 7 or 8?

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