Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hidden Tasks/Games Zelda Spirit Tracks Part #4

After you get this one force gem, tracks appear. It's an island close to the sand realm. Go there, that's the pirate's hideout. There is a guy trapped in there and you have to get him out by shooting all the enemies. Then you go a cart. The enemies try to thrown crates at you so you have to shoot the enemies and the crates, if the crates hit you then you have to start over. At the very end you have to shoot one one the pirate general, so just shoot him a whole bunch of times and he will die and then you can leave and take the guy back to papuchia village. Once you get there he tries to find his girlfriend. Search the houses for him and once you find the house the woman thanks you and breaks up with the guy so the guy walks out. Go find him, talk to him twice and he will give you a force gem. YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
 sort of.

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