Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games part #11

After you get this one force gem some tracks appear to the bottom left corner of the ocean realm. The train stop there is a replica of the spirit temple except different objectives.

The first floor you have to light all the torches with the boomerang. It shouln't take that long.

The second floor you have to blow out all the torches using the whirlwind. This one takes a while unless you get the hang of it early.

The third floor is with the phantom that warp when one of the little balloon things see you. You have to use the whip to pull the switches in the wall, but next to the switches that you have to pull are switches that look exactly like the ones you need to pull, so whenever you pull the wrong switch, one of those balloon things pop up somewhere on the map. There are pairs of the right and wrong switches all around the room.

The fourth floor you have to break all the stone blocks by two ways, either by bombs or when the boulder phantoms chase after you and they run in to the blocks. After you break them all you can advance to the last floor.

Here on the top floor you have one of each type of phantom and you have to open al the treasure chest by undoing certain locks, switches, or blocks. One chest you can already access. Another you have to blow out the two torches with out being hit by the phantoms. Another you have to stand on a switch. And the last you have to blow up the stone blocks like the ones on the fourth floor.

After you do all that you can go get your prize on the 6th floor with nothing else you have to do. Open the treasure chest and you'll find another alchemy stone! Sorry i lied to you guys saying there was only one more left in the game, there may be a few more alchemy stones but probably not.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #10

After you get this one other Force Gem it reveals tracks to a place in the top left corner of the fire realm, you can go to that place, there is a cave and a Hyrule Castle Guard. He says he is on guard while his friend goes inside the cave. His friend hasn't comeback for a few hours now. Go in the cave and try to find him. What you do is:
1) go through the room to the right
2) read the stone tabelet
3)remember that his friend died
4) Go through the North doorway twice
5) go to the middle of the room
6) place the song of discovery
7) open the treasure chest
what is in side the treasure chest is one of those crystal things again. When you come out, the guard asks if you found anything out about his friend, the aswers are ....... and ...well..... Choose the .....well....... He says things like oh wow, that really sucks, thanks anyway and i better go back to the castle. Well, at least you got something cool out of this.

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #9

After you get a certain force gem, a track appears leading to the top left corner of the snow realm. Go there and there should be white wolfs and a cave. Get to the cave and solve the puzzle there and a treasure chest appears. A force gem is not in it, it's a bid crystal thing that you can sell for 2,500 rupees, so it's probably worth about 5,000 rupees. You probably have never seen it before because it wasn't in any of the other games, there is one more in the game.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games part #8

After you play the game for a while you should get a letter from Ferrus. It shows a snapshot of where he is. He so happens to be lost in the lost woods, how ironic. Now go find him, he should be by a whistle sign. Find that sign and you'll find Ferrus. Once you get there he says he wants you to take him to the ocean temple to take some photos. Once you get there he says thanks and gives you a force gem. The spirit tracks should be complete soon.

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #7

Go to Hyrule Castle town. Go to the house with the fat lady in it. Talk to her and she asks you if you have seen her husband, he likes to dress like a rabbit. GGGGGuuuuuueeeeeeessssss wwwwwwhhhhhhhoooooo iiiiiiiiittttttttt iiiiiiiiissssss! That's right, it's the rabbit guy! Say yes and she will ask you if you can take her to him. So she get's in the car and then you have to take her to the place where you take the rabbits. When you get there she walks over to the rabbit guy, they get in an arguement and she says that she is leaving. Go back to the train, but you see her standing there. Talk to her and she says that she will stay and help her husband, to thank you she gives you a force gem. What's that, 7 or 8?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Zelda Spirit tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #6

Go back to Aboda Village. There should be a guy standing by a chicken coop there but there aren't any chickens. Talk to the and he says he wants some cukkos, so go back to castle town. Find the man with the chicken farm, he says that he can sell you 5 cukkos, so buy them and back to Aboda Village so you can give the guy the chickens, but you still have to give him 5 more, so back to castle town, get the cukkos and come back to Aboda and he will give a force gem.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zelda Spirit Tracks Hidden Tasks/Games Part #5

After you rescue the guy from the pirate hideout and he gives you a force gem, go talk to his x-girlfriend. She says she wants a husband who is big, has a big nose, & has facial hair. So what you do is you go to Whittleton village and you go find the mayor. Talk to him and he says that he will go to see the lady. Take him to Papuchia village and then he will go see her. Meet him there and then they will give you a force gem. After that the people at Whittleton will be pretty pissed off, and they will be for a long time.